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Poster Design Competition by Startups Valley TBI & Dream Big Banners

Poster Design Competition by Startups Valley TBI

Be creative, because “Creativity has no rules”. Here an opportunity to express your talent and win cash prizes. Create a beautiful poster to support the upcoming IEDC Summit 2017 to be held on 19 August 2017 at Adlux International Convention center, KOCHI. Just send your poster to us soon.

Theme: Dream it. Do it.
Send your posters to the following mail: dreambigbanners@aptinno.in
Last date: 14 August 2017
For the required logos & sample posters please see the attached photos.
For any queries: 9495772354, 8606117823

With love,
Team Dream big Banners.

Follow us on facebook | twitter | instagram | linkedin @aptinnotechnologies
youtube @dreambig banners

Sample Poster

Sample poster
